Comprehensive courses that meet industry standards: The first step in designing OSEV courses is producing a course outline based on standards. The outline is produced by an AI, so typical courses are examined and standard learning outcomes are set. OSVE students will not learn less than they will at some other school.
Lifetime access to the course. Early in the development of OSEV, a course was updated after a student completed it. Naturally, she was a bit upset. A new policy was born – she was offered an extension and from that time on, courses were offered with lifetime access. If you see that new material was added to a course, or you feel that you need to brush up on some things after taking the course, you just take it again.
Policies evolve. Students have different needs and expectations. If we can accommodate you then we will. If we need to change a policy, then we will. We just want you to study and learn.
Courses are designed and led by an industry professional.